
Showing posts from October, 2024

A Post from A Member of One of the Parental Alienation Groups

This is long but stay with it.  It makes a lot of sense and explains about how my adolescent daughters got sucked into PAS. Marlene and Jocelyn - this has actually happened to you although you don't realize it.  I love you and miss you. - Keith Thompson - One of the most torturous things about PA during adolescence is the way alienation takes hold of and "hijacks" the defining characteristics of this crucial passage in a young person's life.   Every stage of life development presents a human being with fundamental tasks specific to that stage. In adolescence, these primary tasks include: experimenting with greater separation from the family of origin (in particular the people called Mom and Dad); exploring a greater sense of personal identity (I, Me, My); and developing a heightened moral sense. Opinions about what's right and wrong, good and bad, become far more prevalent. These opinions cover politics, social issues, peer dynamics, and naturally parenting decisi